Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Get Rid of Pimples in 10 Easy and Natural Ways

Get Rid of Pimples in 10 Easy and Natural Ways

Like most of the teenagers even I was affected by those irritating pimples and acne. When they initially started appearing on my face I ignored it thinking that it would go away the way it came.But, these uninvited and unwanted evil guests decided to stay forever on my face. This made my life miserable and embarrassing because wherever I used to go people used to either look at me with weird looks or used to ask me “Hey what happened to your face?”

This used to really irritate me and in a hurry without consulting anybody I started applying different acne creams which did nothing but worsened my situation. I used to be in depression all the time and used to think only about my skin.

Then one day by the grace of God I met my Mom’s friend, she is a Dermatologist. I went upto her and explained my problem to her, then she suggested me some great treatments and most importantly a healthy diet which keeps pimples away.

I started following what my Mom’s friend told me, and very soon I started seeing the results and today I have a completely pimple free skin.

So, today I am here to share my secrets with you so that even you can get rid of those unwanted pimples or acne or zits.

Before you go any deeper into know how to get rid of pimples, it is important to understand why do we actually get pimples?

Why do we get pimples?

Have you ever wondered why we have acne and even more on how we can get rid of acne? Like a lousy tenant, acne doesn’t pay you rent, nor contribute anything beneficial to your life. It does however do the opposite by destroying your skin and worst of all, your self esteem and social life!

Well, before embarking on this simple method to destroy your acne for good, we need to know the enemy.

To learn about pimples and the causes for that, let’s first look at the structure of our skin and its functions:

Our skin is made of three layers – the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It is the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis that we want to concentrate on.It is made up of flat cells called squamous cells that are layered, one on top of the other. Newly produced squamous cells are made deep along the border of the dermis and gradually push the older cells outward. As this outer layer becomes thicker, the oldest cells eventually die. This new, outermost layer of dead cells is called the stratum corneum.

What traps these sebaceous glands is the dead squamous cells. Some of the dead squamous cells from the outer stratum corneum fall down into the areas around the hair follicles and plug the sebaceous glands causing acne in selected individuals.

Dead cells and Sebum clog one blocked exit, without any getting out. This can turn into what the scientists call a lesion. They come in two types: non-inflamed and inflamed. The non-inflamed lesions don't have any redness to them. These are what you call "blackheads" (in fact, blackheads are more stubborn than acne) They can stick out from your pores and are very noticeable. Some people think they're filled with dirt. But really, the content of the clogged pore can appear black as a result of dark pigment or oxidized oil, not because of dirt. Some non-inflamed lesions also look like little white bumps on your skin, called "whiteheads".

What we all know as pimples are really inflamed lesions. This is caused by the bacteria that live in a healthy follicle, and can break down when the pore's been plugged. Little irritants found inside the pore get everything worked up and inflamed. And when that happens you end up with that nasty little bloomer on your nose!

Pimples pop up for a bunch of reasons. And you'll be glad to know that it's not what you eat that gives you pimples, so you can now relax the curb on chocolates and French fries!

Your hormones are one of the reasons for your pimples, especially when you are under stress. As you grow your body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. And if you are thinking about how to stop the changes, well, you can't. And if you knew how hormones helped in growing, you wouldn't want to. As you grow towards adulthood, these hormones start triggering off a set of reactions, even under the surface of your skin.

Are you looking for acne solutions that really work? The good news is, whether you're a teenager or an adult suffering from acne, you don't have to live with it.

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